Monday, October 15, 2007

Errands and Prep

A vacation should not be about scheduling, and being on time, and doing lots of paperwork.

A vacation... should be about relaxing.

I did want to plan things out more than I have! I didn't want to go down the day-planner route, but I wanted to have a better baseline of things to do. Even before that can happen, there are many things one must take care of. Passports! Plane tickets! Hotels! Maps! Yen! Okay, so the plane and the hotel were taken care of ages ago, but I still have a pile of things to nail down today and tomorrow, and I have to admit, it's a little tiny bit stressful. I mislike the idea of stressing out over my relaxing vacation, but there you have it.


LeJerque said...

i haev map of osakas

Harriett Gross said...

Dear Jess and other Idiots,

Ihave never been in Japan but I have been there twice. The air-port is my only time and we almost left Hal there. He had gotten off the plane to get a botttle of scotch and they were about to close the plane's doors. I had to ask the attendant to please wait for him. Forgot where we were going.
We are off to Florida on Wednesday and my computer will be enroute so I will look forward to your blogs when our cars get there.

Continue to enjoy. It sounds wonderful.
