Thursday, October 18, 2007

The flight and the navigator.

So we finally made it and amazingly enough there were no major mishaps. Just a lot of lengthy and fairly uncomfortable traveling. Even with a few napping sessions in flight, 12 hours just dragged the hell on. We took the train system to the place we were staying and that took a long time as well, but we did at least learn a few valuable lessons. It turns out trying to use a transportation system that is mostly documented in a foreign language can be pretty rough.

I’m pretty darn tired at this point so I think I’m going to get some sleep and make the most of tomorrow. More to come…

1 comment:

Jodi C. said...

I'm waiting to read about you going to a karaoke bar. PLEASE tell me you are going to visit a karaoke bar - and SING!! I must have a photo of that, too... you know, for safe keeping. ;-)